Saturday, July 29, 2006

Tubani So

So I am here in Africa, it is hot. I almost contemplated just leaving this as my blog, since i think it conveys my over all opinion, haha jk. The compound that we are on is absolutely beautiful, the dirt road is shaded by large trees that arch over the street. The first day was really rough I am not going to liue, i was jet lagged and i definitely was not in the mood to sit in the heat all day for orientation. Today however, was much better and I am beginning to get excited about what is going to go down the next two years. As I said the weather is really hot, even when it stormed yesterday i was still sweating, I guess the only real redeeming factor is that EVERYONE is sweating. The food here right now is awesome, although I hear that is part fo the transition to help trainees adapt to Mali. Everyone here is really nice and has been increadibly positive about the experiences they are going to have. Last night we sat around and drank some tea which took about 25 minutes to make and apparently is a huge Malian custom where everyone just sits around and talks about whatever. The People here are incredibly friendly although I find it hard to communicate sometimes (they speak perfect English but I have been trying to work on my French and Bambara) my battery is about to die so i have to go, take care everyone goodbye!!


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