Friday, August 25, 2006

I be so dun

Hey guys!
Well I am back in Tubani So again, and glad to report that I am not experiencing any digesting problems and in fact have been able to eat both lunch AND dinner today (its impressive i know). Anyway I was trying to think of what i could post about the last week and a half or so and my mind kind of went blank and all i could think of is two stories which I will now tell. The first "exciting" thing that happened was that I helped kill a chicken ( i can't kill it myself since I am not Muslim and it needed to be halal) though I did pluck it, which let me tell you is more fun that anything that one could imagine. My other story actually is absolutely hilarious and had myself laughing for several days. I was sitting in my compound as usual after dinner, it was dark and they had the lanters out when who should step outside all spiffed up but Modibo my dad. I be taa min Modibo? (where are you going Modibo) i asked him. N be taa Sanankoroba ( I a going to sonankorobo) Oh really? and why is that. Well he claimed he was going to go to a friends house to some party, but no sooner had he stepped out of the compound than his wife informed us that really he was going to his girlfriends place. She then spent the next hourr trying to convince me that Modibo had not just two wives, but two girlfriends as well. Although Modibo's brother was in the compound taking his side and saying it wasn't true, she did have a pretty convincing argument when she brought out a picture of modibo with a girl (how she would have gotten that photo i have no idea) Just when I htought things couldn't get any more awkward she then goes on to discuss how she met this girlfriend and cut her ( i think she was saying cut, either that or that modibo dated her although she kept hitting herself and the ground to emphaisi the beating up part) Around this time i had had enough, was laughing my ass off and trying to defend my obviously bad ass host dad, and went to bed laughing. Bed time continues to be a source of well pain. My schedule is to pass out around 10 in a pool of sweat, wake up around 3 in the morning in a pool of sweat and rotate so that i am sleeping on the try part. It seems to be working so far. Oh and i got meat for the first time the day i left. It was rabbit meat that modibo had killed the night before hunting and was the best food i have eaten so far, i could go into detail but it would just make me hungry. I suppose the most exciting news to tell is that i found out what site i am going to spend my next two years at and will go and visit there for a week on monday. I am going to be in teh koulikoro region which is the same region that bamako is in and will be about 100 km away or 3 hours (yea go figure) My village is named wolobogato soba or something and is named that because during the rainy season a river runs through it. It is supposed to be picturesque though i will hold off on details until next post when i have actually been there. the town itself has about 1000 people and has had a peace corps volunteer previously so i at least will have projects to work on. My main job will be bringing irrigation to the different fields, improving growing techniques, working with the womens garden, and chicken farming (oh boy) I am pretty excited though because i get my own compound with two rooms and my own fields to grow whatever i want (my dad suggest i grow hopps and make beer which i am thinking about) We get a language tutor for the week that we are there and well, mine doesn't speak english or french really, so i am like great, that is going to make communication splendid hahaha. Anyway as of now i htink that is all i really have to say. The title of my post means that you eat beans which is an insult in Mali because farting is extremely taboo and embarrassing. I titled it such because they served us beans for lunch and ii was like, you damn coulibaly's. Ah i guess you had to be there. Anway i look foward to hearing from everyone and miss you all a lot. Until next time Peace.


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