Sunday, September 24, 2006

End of Training

Well, We said goodbye to Sinsina today and are now back in Tubani So for a week before they ship me out to the middle of nowhere. The last couple of days defnintely seemed to drag on since we had already passed our language tests and were more or less just hanging out until today, however we did have a few cool events. Friday was Malian independence day and we spent all day hanging around doing nothing and at night we had a big party with lots of dancing. The Malians found it absolutely hilarious that we danced (I be donke!!) and we were the talk of the town the next couple of days. One memorable experiencec that I must write is watching my two year old brother ladje play with a dead small bird, then watching him rip off some of its neck and eat it, and his family wonders why he is always so sick??? I got to see my bubu today and it is bright gold, i will definitely post some pictures after swear in. I was thinking of maybe even cutting the beard into a nice full manchu, but I dunno, I might just let it grow for two years. Other than that I am kind of sick and am going to end the message here since I already wrote a large one earlier about the food. Take care everyone and I will ttyl.


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